On October 17, 2023, Dar Annahar Editor published a new book, written by Dr. Negib Geahchan, entitled “My Sun Shall not Fade, A journey in the Romaïan Heritage” The book consists of about five hundred pages, and includes six chapters entitled:
- Who are the Romaïans?Components of the Romaïan civilization
- The Romaïans before 1453,The Romaïans after 1453,
- The Romaïans in the contemporary world,
- Conclusions
The book narrates the history of the Romaïan civilization, which arose from the encounter of the ancient Greco-Roman heritage with the Christian evangelization that spread in the ancient civilized world departing from Jerusalem. The founding of the new city of Rome, “Constantinople”, in the year 330, was the beginning of this civilization, which witnessed golden eras and periods of decline that alternated between the year 330 and the year 1453, date of the conquest of its capital. This civilization shone during the reign of the great Emperor Justinian, and in the period of the great renaissance between 867 and 1056. Its two main features were Catholic Orthodoxy and Universalism.
After the year 1453, the Romaïans did not disappear and their civilization did not fade, but rather survived, thanks to the Ottoman Millet regime, the brilliance of the Russian state, and the anchorage of the Orthodox Church and its traditions among the desperate peoples. The book describes the new renaissance that the Romaïan civilization has witnessed, since the nineteenth century, in the new independent Romaïan countries and in the diaspora of the Romaïans who travelled, as individuals or groups, in the New World. Romanity is currently facing profound difficulties resulting from religious ethnicity, national conflicts, intellectual, cultural and religious invasions, globalization and secularization.
“My Sun Shall Not fade” is a book that clearly links the events that took place from the day of Pentecost to our days, analyzes their succession, sheds light on the dangers facing the Romaïan world in our time, and heralds a new renaissance that is based only on a return to Orthodox Christian values and to the comprehensive universalism that characterized the ancient Romaïans.
The author of the book is Professor Negib Geahchan, a Lebanese doctor who played prominent roles in the Lebanese medical community. He headed the Lebanese Society of General Surgery, managed university hospitals, and organized several scientific conferences in the fields of surgery and oncology. In 2014, he founded and headed the Romaïan Cultural Society, which realized great achievements in reviving the Romaïan cultural heritage in Lebanon. Dr Geahchan has many articles and interviews in this cultural field, in addition to his medical publications.
The former governor of Beirut, engineer Nicholas Saba, introduces the book by saying: “It is correct to describe the book as comprehensive and global, and it deserves to be a scientific reference for any reader or researcher in the Romaïan civilization with all its details and its cultural, religious, anthropological, political and scientific variability. From this standpoint, I say that this book, by its objectivity and deepness, is a comprehensive dictionary or lexicon for every researcher in the history, the present, and the future of a renowned civilization.” The author will sign his new book at the Lebanon International Book Fair in the Forum de Beirut, at DAR ANNAHAR EDITOR Wing (C8) on Thursday, October 19, 2023, from 4 to 8 pm.