The Social Committee extends an invitation to participate in a trip to Zahle & Northwest Bekaa on October 14, 2023

Faithful to its tradition every fall, the Social Committee of the Romaïan Cultural Society, called for a cultural and recreational trip to the Zahlé region, the capital of the Bekaa Governorate, and to the northwest of the Lebanese Bekaa, including the town of Ferzol, the ruins of the village of Niha, the ruins of the village of Qasrnaba, and the suburbs of the town of Deir al-Ahmar. The trip will take you to some of Zahlé’s historical churches, such as the Church of Our Lady of Earthquake, the oldest church in the city, the Monastery of Saint Elias Al-Towk, the Church of Our Lady in Ferzol, and the Hermitages, where ancient Romaïan monks resided. The trip participants will visit the ancient Roman ruins in the towns of Ferzol, Niha, and Qasrnaba, which are historical places that the Romans established on the slopes of the western Lebanon mountain range, where they left temples of wonderful beauty and architecture. Visitors will later move to the famous Maronite Church of Our Lady of Bishwat, near the town of Deir al-Ahmar, where documented miracles took place, and they will have lunch in Deir al-Ahmar, prepared by local ladies from this town and consisting in delicious Lebanese meal, accompanied by local Arak drink. 

This trip, like all the trips organized by the Romaïan Cultural Society since 2015, is enriched by many cultural, recreational and religious features that will allow participants to explore sites known for their ancient Christian character and located in an area of outstanding natural beauty. As usual, more details and explanations will be given during the trip. The invitation is extended to everyone, inside and outside the society, to participate in this special social occasion. You can contact the Chairman of the Committee, Mr. Nicolas Mokbel, or one of the members of the Social Committee to reserve places.

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