The Romaïan Cultural Association, commemorating, as usual, the painful historical event of May 29, organizes its annual scientific conference and, on this occasion, honors one of the deceased endowed personalities who shone with their scientific, artistic, humanitarian or social creativity and deserved to be registered in the Golden Register of Deceased Romaïan Creators that the association established in 2015.
In this year 2024, the fourth scientific conference will be held on Saturday, June 1, having as topic: The Religious Romaïan Architecture in Lebanon. This meeting is jointly organized with the University of Balamand, the Lebanese Academy of Fine Arts ALBA, and will take place in the “Samir Abillamah Hall, ALBA Dekwaneh, Lebanon. It will be chaired by the Dean of ALBA, Engineer Fadlallah Dagher, and supervised by Professor Ronnie Richa. Some of the leading specialists in this subject will lecture at the conference.
The conference starts at 9:00 am and entry is free. A tribute to the founder of ALBA, the great innovator and engineer, the deceased Alexis Boutros will follow the conference, at 11:30 a.m. and will include speeches and documentaries by some of those who knew him. The University of Balamand will participate in the tribute ceremony, led by its president Professor Elias Warraq. At the end of the conference, the Dean of the Institute of Theology, Archimandrite Yacoub (Khalil), will celebrate a Trisagion prayer for the repose of the souls of the departed personalities listed in the Golden Register of the Romaïan Association.