
My Sun shall not fade

By Negib Elias Geahchan

Full TitleMy Sun shall not fade: A Journey in the Romaïan Legacy
AuthorNegib Elias Geahchan is a Lebanese essayist, born in Beirut. He belongs to the Romaïan Orthodox community. He studied medicine and surgery and practiced them in major Lebanese university hospitals. Fellow of the European Board of Surgery. He chaired the Lebanese Society for General Surgery and received the Golden Hand Award from this society. He was appointed Medical Director at Saint George and Hôtel-Dieu University Hospitals. He founded in 2014 and headed the Romaïan Cultural Society. He wrote several medical and surgical articles in Lebanese and international magazines. He also gave many lectures, articles, and radio & television episodes in the field of Romaïan culture, to which he devoted a great deal of his literary and intellectual interests and devoted a large part of his research to it.  
Primary LanguageArabic
PublisherDar Annahar publisher
Date of Publishing2023
Number of Pages496
ContentThe Romaïan civilization arose from an encounter between the ancient Greco-Roman heritage and Christianity that swept the ancient civilized world from Jerusalem. The new city of Rome, founded by Constantine, in the year 330, was a symbol of this civilization, which witnessed golden eras and periods of decline that alternated between the year 330 and the year 1453 when its capital was conquered by the Ottomans. This civilization shone mainly during the reign of the great Emperor Justinian, and in the period of the Great Renaissance between 867 and 1056. Its two main features were Catholic Orthodoxy and Universalism.The Romaïans faced numerous barbarian invasions coming from the west, the east, and the north, and suffered severe internal conflicts caused by religious doctrinal differences and sectarian divisions. They could not withstand the hordes of foreign armies and of the migrant Turks. Their sovereign ended with the fall of Constantinople in the year 1453. But this disaster did not lead to the decline of their civilization. The state disappeared, but its civilization survived in the Ottoman Millet regime, the prosperity of the Russian state, and the resistance and traditions of the Orthodox Church. Since the nineteenth century, the Romaïan civilization has witnessed a new renaissance in the new independent Romaïan countries and in the diaspora, but it is currently facing profound challenges due to ethnophyletism, national conflicts, intellectual, cultural and religious proselytism, globalization and secularization. This book describes in detail the current conditions of the Romaïans in the world, starting with the countries that were historically an integral part of the Romaïan state, all the way to the diaspora and the countries where Orthodoxy has recently spread, passing through the peoples who gradually joined the Romaïan civilization at the end of the first millennium and the beginning of the second millennium.“My Sun shall not fade” is a book that narrates, in six chapters, the biography of the Romaïan civilization, analyzes its secrets, sheds light on the dangers facing it today, and heralds a new Romaïan renaissance based on a return to upright Christian values ​​and to the universalism that characterized the ancient Romaïans.    This book contains 178 references.  

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